We invite children to attend Good Friday and Easter Sunday services as a family. This is a significant time for children to participate or observe a communion service (Good Friday) and for families to celebrate Resurrection Sunday together.
As you prepare for this glorious weekend, here are some recommended discussion points and Scriptures that will enhance the experience for your children.
Communion is celebrated by Jesus’ followers as they reflect on how Jesus gave up His life on the cross, so that they could be forgiven of their sins and become God’s children. If your child has accepted Christ as their Savior, it may be memorable to review the Scriptures above before partaking in communion on Good Friday. Young children learn best by observing and asking questions. Be prepared to explain the elements of communion with your child who is not yet ready for communion. Here are some Bible verses that you and your child can read that explain how to become a member of God’s family: John 3:16, John 14:6. Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23. Pray for and with your child as they talk honestly with God. Affirm and encourage your child as you see him or her taking steps to follow Jesus.
Easter Sunday, we will celebrate the Resurrection of Christ! The kids will be part of the service through a meaningful video that we are working on now.
*Nursery (up to age 5) will be provided on Easter Sunday during the 10:30 a.m. service. No Nursery at the 9 a.m. service or Good Friday service.